Can we get a sample of your chemistry to test?

We will provide samples to your lab to run enough test to validate. If there is a large scale validation required we can work with you to determine the best solution.

Can you modify packaging sizes?

Yes, unlike a lot of other, more inflexible manufacturers, we know that each lab has its own process and operations. We can change packaging sizes to meet your needs.

We have some difficult to extract samples, will you work with us to improve the process?

Yes, We love helping address needs that you might have with your workflow. Our partnerships with other labs might actually have brought up the same issue previously. We welcome any challenge.  

What happens if we find issues with the product?

We will replace it immediately, figure out what caused the issue and implement changes to ensure that it does not happen again. If we can we will replace components that where used during the experiment.

Can you work with OEM partners.

We have worked with a number of large manufacturers to help them implement our chemistries into their product. From IVD kits to NGS Kits for RUO we can meet any specific requirements to meet your company’s standards.